Vuelta 2024 Favourites stage 19: Attackers on double digit finish

Jay Vine - Vuelta 2024 Favourites stage 19: Attackers on double digit finishfoto: Cor VosStage 19 is the first race of a decisive triptych. It’s a classic Vuelta stage, with not much happening along the way and all the action packed into the finishing climb. Or, so we expect... The finish climb is almost 9 kilometres long, with the second half entirely in double digits. (Slideshow route/profile)

The GC riders are bound to go all in on the climb to the line, but it remains to be seen if that will be for the stage win. With two more tough days ahead, there’s a good chance they’ll be saving their legs – except on the final climb, of course.

Such a scenario would open the door for the breakaway specialists. There’s a catch though, as the run-in is virtually flat, so climbers will have a hard time getting away on that terrain.

After about an hour in the saddle, the road starts to gradually rise for a few dozen kilometres, followed by a 5.2 kilometres climb at 4.8%. That’s the Puerto de Pradilla, topping out after 94.3 kilometres. After the descent, the rest of the race is flat to rolling until the climb to the line appears.

With a start like that, you don’t need to be a great climber to get into the break. And, as mentioned, it won’t be easy for pure climbers to join in either. But if you want to go for the stage win, you most definitely need climbing legs. The final climb is brutal, with the last 4.6 kilometres ramping up to a nasty 11%.

Favourites 19th stage 2024 Vuelta a España

*** Jay Vine, Eddie Dunbar, Max Poole
** Marc Soler, Ion Izagirre, Brandon McNulty, Jack Haig
* Primoz Roglic, Mikel Landa, Richard Carapaz, Enric Mas

Another interesting read: route 19th stage 2024 Vuelta.

Vuelta a España 2024 stage 19: route & profiles

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