Vuelta 2022 Route stage 19: Talavera de la Reina - Talavera de la Reina

Vuelta a España stage 19Friday 9 September - Stage 19 at La Vuelta features two laps around Talavera de la Reina. It's a relatively short race of 138.3 kilometres with two big climbs.

Both laps are identical and feature the Puerto de Piélago. Starting from San Román de los Montes it’s an ascent of 19 kilometres with an average gradient of 4.1%. But given two intermediate downhills one could also argue that the first 3.6 kilometres go up at 5.5% before an intermediate section – descent, ascent and again descent – ushers in the actual climb to the top. This part is 9.3 kilometres long and averages 5.6%.

The riders crest the Puerto de Piélago before flying down towards a more lumpy section and, ultimately, a flat run-up of about 10 kilometres to Talavera de la Reina. The entire section from the top to stage 17’s hub is 32 kilometres long.

Almost 15 kilometres after Talavera de la Reina the riders re-enter the Puerto de Piélago climb in San Román de los Montes, and the story repeats itself.

Ride the route yourself? Download GPX stage 19 Vuelta.

Another interesting read: results 19th stage 2022 Vuelta.

Vuelta a España 2022 stage 19: route, profile, more

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