Giro 2024 Route stage 13: Riccione - Cento

Giro d'Italia 2024Friday 17 May - The 13th stage is the flattest of the entire Giro. At 179 kilometres, the pink caravan moves from Riccione to Cento, where a bunch sprint is expected to wrap things up.

Riccione lies just south of Rimini and after 7 kilometres the peloton moves through the place of Marco Pantani’s much debated death. Momenst later the riders turn inland, but the profile of the route does not change a bit. The roads are as flat as it gets and the elevation gain between Riccione and Cento does not exceed 200 metres.

The Giro last visited Cento in 1995. Mario Cipollini crossed the line in first position, but was relegated because of leaning on Mario Manzoni during the dash to the line. Czech Ján Svorada, who came in second, was awarded the stage hounours.

The second and third intermediate sprint come with 3, 2 and 1 seconds, while the first three riders on the line gain 10, 6 and 4 seconds.

Ride the route yourself? Download GPX 13th stage 2024 Giro d’Italia.

Another interesting read: results 13th stage 2024 Giro.

Giro d’Italia 2024 stage 13: routes, profiles, videos

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